Joca TorresProduct manager or product owner?Product manager or product owner? Which term should we use? Are they different roles? Are they complementary? Is there overlapping? Is it…Sep 21, 202110Sep 21, 202110
InGetting Started in ProductbyRobert DruryShould You Take Product School & Mixpanel’s Free Product Analytics Certification?Is there any value in a course that costs nothing?Aug 18, 20213Aug 18, 20213
InProduct CoalitionbyAditi Priya10 Visual Models That Let You Simplify The Most Complex IdeasBusting Complexity For Product ManagersAug 3, 20213Aug 3, 20213
Rich MironovPrioritization Beyond AlgorithmsPrioritization is an essential part of product management. We want a mechanical process, but IMO that very rarely works in practice.Apr 9, 2021Apr 9, 2021
InUX CollectivebyCláudia DelgadoProduct Metrics That MatterThe power of metrics entered Product Management to change it forever.Jan 25, 202321Jan 25, 202321
InNerd For TechbyCláudia DelgadoWays To Prioritize — From Worst to BestExperience has taught us that we can never get everything we want done. If so, we have to be sure we get the most important things done…May 4, 20216May 4, 20216
InProduct CoalitionbyCláudia DelgadoShould I Say YES to This Feature Request?We need to make sure our product is consistently good throughout time, despite all the forces that try to interfere with it.Apr 7, 20213Apr 7, 20213