Irene YuTechnical Debt: Preventing, Managing, Fixing for PMsLearn how to prevent, manage, and fix technical debt as a product manager.Mar 30, 2023Mar 30, 2023
InSerious ScrumbyDavid PereiraHow to Deal With Tech Debt EffectivelyIgnoring tech debt is the right way of building a product no developer wants to work with.Aug 25, 20211Aug 25, 20211
InAgile InsiderbyAlex OmeyerWhat Do Engineers Think about Technical Debt?My team at Stepsize has surveyed 200+ Engineers and published the State of Technical Debt 2021 Report that explores the impact of tech debt…Aug 12, 20211Aug 12, 20211
InBetter ProgrammingbyMarc H. WeinerWhen To Throw in the Towel on Your Technical DebtDon’t get caught in migration hellJul 27, 20218Jul 27, 20218
InHumans of XerobyRyan DjurovichYou don’t need to stop shipping features to fix technical debtThe easiest way to solve Technical Debt + a framework to help you explain Technical Debt and convince decision makers to let you work on…Apr 16, 20201Apr 16, 20201
InThe ReadybyAaron DignanHow To Eliminate Organizational DebtThe debt that’s crippling your company isn’t on your balance sheet. Here’s what to do about it.Jun 30, 201615Jun 30, 201615
InYounitedTechbyNicholas SuterA philosophy of technical debt managementNo more “We don’t have time to refactor”, please!Jun 24, 2020Jun 24, 2020
InBetter ProgrammingbyBen RogojanChernobyl: The True Cost Of Technical DebtA comparison of technical debt in the Chernobyl disaster and software developmentJun 5, 201914Jun 5, 201914
Eric HigginsTechnical Debt Is Like TetrisYou can’t win. You can only control how quickly you lose.Mar 9, 201922Mar 9, 201922
InWe’ve moved to ColomboHow to deal with technical debt and save your sanityWhen was the last time you found yourself working in a file containing 7,000+ lines of code?Jul 29, 201710Jul 29, 201710
InThe StartupbyAssaf WeinbergWhat Product Managers Can Do About Technical DebtIf you‘re a Product manager, then you’ve probably heard developers talking about “code debt” or “technical debt”. It gets brought up a lot…Jun 21, 20201Jun 21, 20201
InLevel Up CodingbyFayner BrackHow To Use Technical Debt In Your FavorTechnical Debt is inevitable, only you can reduce the interest to be paidMar 15, 201819Mar 15, 201819
Carl TashianManaging Technical DebtMany linear feet of books have been written about the complexity of software development, estimation, cost control, QA, and so on.Mar 17, 20178Mar 17, 20178
InSerious ScrumbyWillem-Jan AgelingHow ignoring technical debt nearly destroyed a bank’s reputationAnd ruined a teamFeb 2, 20209Feb 2, 20209
InThe Andela WaybyDaniel OkwufuluezeWhat Technical Debt Is And How It’s MeasuredThere’s this saying that there’s more than one way to crack an egg. It goes without saying that this concept applies to software…Feb 20, 201914Feb 20, 201914
InSerious ScrumbyMaarten DalmijnWorking without Sprint Goals guarantees technical debtHow friction prevents perfect plans and demands the scope of your Sprint to be flexibleMar 3, 20201Mar 3, 20201
InAppsFlyer EngineeringbyAdi BelanThree Tips for Managing Technical Debt: While Maintaining Developer Velocity (and Sanity)Technical debt is well-known to every developer. No good app starts as a legacy app with spaghetti code — it takes a journey to get there…Dec 17, 20182Dec 17, 20182
InBetter ProgrammingbyAlex OmeyerThe Perfect Process to Manage Technical DebtLessons from interviewing 200+ engineersSep 21, 20201Sep 21, 20201
InUnderstanding Tech DebtbyAlex Omeyer7 examples of sneaky tech debt and how to spot themAt Stepsize, helping high-growth software companies measure and manage technical debt is our business. And this means we get to spend our…Oct 2, 2019Oct 2, 2019